Wednesday, November 2, 2016

There's an app for that

Often in todays times we refer to our phones for everything.  They've become so part of todays
culture, I don't this generation would know what to do without them. Software developers continue to create software compatible applications with these phones today, that a computer is actually just a novelty when you can do everything from creating an exercise program to running a corporation literally from the palm of your hand. Although I'm thankful for technologies gifts, its also a curse. Im often guilty of this myself , but I find it very annoying when I'm taking care of business in a professional setting and someone gets a text or their phone rings. Even though I get emergencies happen "blah blah, "Im from an era where you found other ways to contact. If I could develop an app for today, it would be called Blaqout. Its sole purpose would be to kill the phones incoming and outgoing messages and calls, for that moment. I would require you to take courses for the application and for it to be used in a professional or academic settings only. That way criminals or vagrants don't end up with these services and use them for their malicious purposes.

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